Every week in the classroom has some moments when students say or do crazy or hilarious things, there have been some good ones over the last couple of weeks…
1) Two girls stayed after class and timidly walked up to my desk. When I asked what I could do for them, they both looked at each other then one whispered to the other “you ask him”, the other replied “I don’t want to, you are the one who has it” finally they looked up at me and one of them asks “Mr. Wilson, do you know how to get rid of a hicky?” I told her to put some ice on it and eventually it would go away.
2) A tall girl who is notorious for skipping class and behaving poorly walked confidently into the back of my room a few days ago. I asked her who sent her, and she replied calmly “Mr. Wilson did” My class giggled, and for some reason, instead of putting her out of her misery, telling her I knew she was lying, and sending her back to her own class I asked, “Why did he send you?” She paused and replied “so that I could do my work” I responded “Mr. Wilson sent you so that you could do your work… I am Mr. Wilson, you may go back to your class now” She squawked and ran out of class.
3) One of my quietest students who aspires to be a veterinarian showed up Friday in the back seat where he usually sits with those latex looking gloves that dentists and doctors wear. He wore them throughout the day during class, at the end of each class he would take them off and place them in his backpack. During the last class of the day two fingers of one of the gloves ripped off. The student, who almost never talks in class, put his partially gloved hand in the air and said out loud “Oh no, now I can’t operate on my test. Oh, well, you will see in a few years this will be the fashion, everyone’s gloves will be missing two fingers!” I started laughing so hard I could hardly contain myself. He aced the test despite feeling incapable of operating on it.
4) One of my students has recently made significant improvements on his performance in math class. I told him a few days ago that I am proud of him. Now, every time that I circulate throughout the class to check students work which probably amounts to 4-5 times per class period this student earnestly asks “Are you proud of me?”